Measuring and Reporting Extraction Yield

Since I received the VST Coffee Lab III refractometer thanks to Vince Fedele’s generosity, I started logging the concentration (in % TDS) of every coffee I brew. This allows you to calculate the average extraction yield of your brew, which represents the fraction of your coffee beans by mass that was dissolved in your brewContinueContinue reading “Measuring and Reporting Extraction Yield”

Why Spin the Slurry ?

Today I’m excited to release a joint blog post with Scott Rao, the one who helped me so much understand the basics of brewing, and also helped me to improve my cups of coffee significantly. I was never really proud to serve my friends a cup of V60 coffee that I made, and this isContinueContinue reading “Why Spin the Slurry ?”

Water for Coffee Extraction

[Edit August 23, 2019: Please have a look at this new blog post if you are interested to craft your own brew water recipes ! ] Introduction In my first post, I mentioned how the water you use to extract coffee has a significant impact on the taste profile of your cup, in a way that doesContinueContinue reading “Water for Coffee Extraction”

Improving the Bloom of your V60 Coffee

Thanks to some research done recently by Matt Perger & friends at Barista Hustle, a nice improvement to preparing V60 coffee just came to my attention (see my first blog post for the full details on preparing V60 coffee). In my previous post, I indicated that one of the steps in preparing the coffee bedContinueContinue reading “Improving the Bloom of your V60 Coffee”