How a Paper Filter Below an Espresso Puck Affects Hydraulic Resistance

In one of my latest posts, I investigated the effect of puck preparation, and in particular the addition of a dry paper filter above the espresso puck, affects the hydraulic resistance of the system during an espresso shot. While I have not yet tested its effect on average extraction yield, I did not see anContinueContinue reading “How a Paper Filter Below an Espresso Puck Affects Hydraulic Resistance”

The Repeatability of Manual V60 Pour Overs

Today I decided to measure how repeatable and consistent my manual V60 pour overs are. My expectations were very low, given how variable an average extraction yield I often get when I brew the same coffee a few days apart. To do this, I used some older coffee I had left from a local roasterContinueContinue reading “The Repeatability of Manual V60 Pour Overs”