How a Paper Filter Below an Espresso Puck Affects Hydraulic Resistance

In one of my latest posts, I investigated the effect of puck preparation, and in particular the addition of a dry paper filter above the espresso puck, affects the hydraulic resistance of the system during an espresso shot. While I have not yet tested its effect on average extraction yield, I did not see anContinueContinue reading “How a Paper Filter Below an Espresso Puck Affects Hydraulic Resistance”

Measuring the Concentration of Espresso Shots

If you are wondering why it is widely recommended to use syringe filters when you measure the concentration of espresso shots with a refractometer, or how bad exactly a measurement would be if you don’t use such a filter, I highly recommend this recent blog post by my friend Mitch Hale. And while you’re there,ContinueContinue reading “Measuring the Concentration of Espresso Shots”